Massad Ayoob is a renowned firearms instructor, expert witness, and author who has written extensively about self-defense, law enforcement, and responsible gun ownership since the 1970s. (Click here to see his complete resume).
And he's coming to San Diego!
We're excited to offer this amazing opportunity to train with a peerless instructor, thought leader, and advocate for the Second Amendment.
Mas's MAG20 Classroom, MAG20 Livefire, and MAG40 classes are offered.
MAG20 Live Fire
Massad Ayoob Group MAG20 – Live Fire is a two day, 20-hour immersion course in the use of the defensive handgun under extreme stress. Draw from concealment, two-handed stances, shooting from cover, one-handed stances with either hand, speed reloading, and more are taught with an overall emphasis on fast, accurate shot placement. The course will culminate with a police-style qualification course. Estimated ammo count: 500 rounds.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of firearms safety.
This class will be at Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club, March 6-7, 2025 (Thursday, Friday).
MAG20 Classroom
A two-day, 20-hour immersion course in rules of engagement for armed law-abiding private citizens, emphasizing legal issues, tactical issues, and aftermath management. Topics will include interacting with suspects, witnesses, responding police officers…threat recognition and mind-set…management of social and psychological aftermath after having had to use lethal force in defense of self or others…and preparing beforehand for legal repercussions and minimizing exposure to them. Situations in the home, at the place of business, or “on the street” will all be covered.
Prerequisite: None.
This class is lecture only, there will not be any live fire. This class will be in Mira Mesa, at the Living Legacy Training room, March 8-9, 2025 (Saturday, Sunday).
This course is 40 hours of instruction from the Massad Ayoob Group, a combination of the MAG20 Classroom and MAG20 Live Fire class.
Sign up for both live fire and classroom courses to enroll in the MAG40 course.